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Outils dentaires en poche

Advice · Emergencies

How many teeth do we have?

The number of teeth varies with age. Children only have 20 teeth, while adults have up to 32. We have 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars. Children only have 8 primary molars.

  • INCISIVES  : 4 above and 4 below

  • CANINES  : 2 up and 2 down

  • PREMOLAR  : 4 at the top and 4 at the bottom in the permanent teeth. They grow in place of the primary molars.

  • MOLARS: 6 above and 6 below (3 on each side)

  • WISDOM TEETH: 3rd row of molars that grow between 16 and 25 years old. It is sometimes necessary to remove them if they interfere with the other teeth while growing.

The pregnant woman

Get treatment before, during and after pregnancy.

Pregnancy leads to physiological and hormonal changes that have oral repercussions, including a decrease in defenses against bacteria in the oral cavity and the pathologies described below.

Femme enceinte


During pregnancy, gingivitis is said to be gravidic; the symptoms are the same as classic gingivitis: swollen gums, red rather than pink and bleeding easily.

Proper oral hygiene can contain this gingivitis at a low intensity; it regresses after childbirth.

Without this elementary precaution, there is aggravation of the symptoms. Gingivitis can turn into “periodontal disease” caused by the presence of dental plaque, tartar, with possible bone resorption; the teeth can become mobile. Unlike gingivitis, periodontal disease can persist after childbirth.

The epulis:

Epulis is a lesion located in the gums. It is a benign pseudotumor circumscribed to the gums and occurred following an imperfect repair of a gingival lesion (gingivitis, prosthesis). Epulis are painless.


Caries :

The appearance of cavities during pregnancy is only an indirect consequence of neglected oral hygiene during pregnancy because of gingival sensitivities; dental plaque builds up, causing cavities to appear.

What to do during pregnancy? 

A consultation with your dental surgeon around the 4th month of pregnancy is indicated.

As part of his clinical examination, he will provide you with the care and advice necessary for your health and that of the future baby.

Treatments at the dental office:

Emergency care cannot be deferred, but it should be noted that dental care can typically be performed from the beginning of non-pathological pregnancy to the end of the eighth month.

In general, however, it is preferable to postpone heavy treatments until after childbirth.

There are no contraindications to local anesthesia.

The realization of amalgam (filling) as well as their removal is not recommended during pregnancy (


Medication :

To fight against pain, only paracetamol is recommended. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have contraindications with pregnancy. 


For safety, the belly of the pregnant woman can be protected by a lead apron.

At present, dental practices are increasingly using the technique of digital radiography, which is less irradiating than conventional radiography.

Radiographie dentaire

Did you know ?

Teeth worth gold

The Mayans decorated their teeth with precious stones! They drilled the dent in the front and fixed the stones with sap-based glue. Archaeologists have found 2,500-year-old teeth encrusted with precious stones.

The toothbrush is 600 years old!

The toothbrush was invented in China in the 15th century. It was not until the 16th century that it arrived in Europe. Originally, it was composed of a wooden or ivory handle, and boar bristles. In the 1940s, nylon bristles became widespread: it was cheaper and faster to produce!

Don't say "dentition" but "denture" 
The term "dentition" is incorrectly used to refer to teeth. However, the set of teeth is called the "teeth"! In fact, teething is the biological mechanism responsible for the growth of teeth. In humans, there are therefore 3 dentitions: the growth of milk teeth (between 6 months and 6 years), the growth of permanent teeth (between 6 years and 13 years) and finally the growth of the last molars, or " wisdom teeth” (around 20 years old).

Chocolate to fight cavities

Good news, chocolate is good for your teeth! Indeed, cocoa is composed of fluorine and phosphate, which protects the teeth. But be careful, you have to choose very dark chocolate. And that does not exempt from brushing your teeth…

The hens have teeth!

You know the expression "when the hens have teeth"? And well imagine they had some! The ancestors of the hens lost their teeth during the evolution of the species (hello Darwin) since they no longer needed them. However, the teeth gene still exists in the DNA of hens living on our farms, so they could very well have them again.

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